30 Aug 2022 REGISTER NOW – Making CAP Strategic Plans work for biodiversity and small game
The European Federation for Hunting and Conservation (FACE) invites you to register for the online briefing session “Making CAP Strategic Plans work for biodiversity and small game” on 07 September 2022, 15:00-17:00.
FACE comes back with a second webinar on the new CAP to take stock of the work done by Member States and the European Commission on CAP Strategic Plans. The event will discuss and promote effective measures to bring back biodiversity and small game back to Europe’s farmland.
A wide range of speakers will share different perspectives on the issue at stake. Hunters’ views will also be discussed. This online briefing session is organised by FACE, with interventions by:
Mr. Pierre BASCOU
DG AGRI, Sustainability, Director
Overview of CAP SPs with respect to land eligibility and eco-schemes
Dr. Carlos SÁNCHEZ
Director of Research, Fundación Artemisan, Spain
Measures to improve habitat for Turtle Dove
Dr. David SCALLAN (moderator)
FACE Secretary General
Dr. James MORAN
Senior Lecturer, Atlantic Technology University, Ireland
Results-based agri-env schemes
Ms. Adrienn GYENES
FACE Agri Advisor
The hunters perspective on improving farmland biodiversity
Participants can send written questions via chat function of the platform during the live event. Moderator will choose relevant questions.