26 Nov 2021 FACE meeting with Simonas Gentvilas, Lithuanian Minister of Environment
Torbjörn Larsson, FACE President and Virginijus Kantaukas, President of the Lithuania Hunters’ and Anglers’ Association met with Simonas Gentvilas, Minister for Environment in Lithuania today to discuss the governance of hunting in Lithuania and relevant EU hunting and conservation matters.
The discussions focused on the new roles and responsibilities for hunting clubs in Lithuania in the coming years, the use of technology for facilitating the control of wild boar such as night vision and sound moderators. There was also an exchange of views on EU large carnivore policy and the situation in Lithuania.
The meeting was deemed to be productive on all sides, which builds on the good relations of the Lithuania Hunters’ and Anglers’ Association and their government colleagues. There is continued support for local hunting clubs to play an active role in wildlife management, including supporting animal health goals, broader conservation efforts and contributing to the social fabric of the Lithuanian countryside.
The meeting was joined by (from left to right in above photo) Deividas Staponkus, responsible for communication in Lithuania Hunters’ and Anglers’ Association; Marius Čepulis adviser to the Minister; Cy Griffin, FACE Senior Conservation Manager; Simonas Gentvilas, Minister of Environment; Torbjörn Larsson, FACE President; Virginijus Kantauskas, President of the Lithuania Hunters’ and Anglers’ Association, and Laimonas Daukša, Director of Lithuania Hunters’ and Anglers’ Association.