08 Nov 2023 FACE Launches its Manifesto for the 2024 European Elections
Brussels, 08 November 2023 – The European Federation for Hunting and Conservation (FACE), which represents 7 million hunters from across Europe and comprises 37 national hunting associations, officially launched its manifesto for the 2024 European Elections.
These elections, taking place from 6-9 June 2024, will have a significant impact on the political landscape of Europe for the next 5 years, impacting the direction of several policies impacting hunting and conservation. This manifesto is a significant step to ensure that the voices of Europe’s hunters are heard and well understood.
Candidate MEPs running in the elections are invited to sign the manifesto to express their support for a workable and evidence-based approach to policy-making for hunting and conservation.
Speaking at the launch, FACE President Torbjörn Larsson stated that:
Our election manifesto sets out FACE’s core principles to ensure laws are workable and fair for Europe’s 7 million hunters. Importantly, it be further developed in the coming months to cover key files making this the beginning of a more extensive discussion``
FACE Members are now active in gathering support from MEP candidates representing various political viewpoints. The manifesto currently outlines 5 key requests and serves as a powerful tool to urge candidate MEPs to work with Europe’s hunters. One request highlights the importance of re-establishing the European Parliament’s “Biodiversity, Hunting, Countryside” Intergroup for the next parliamentary term. It also urges lawmakers in Brussels to recognise the valuable contributions that hunters make to conservation, the economy, and society.

How to support the FACE Manifesto?
To contribute to the campaign’s success, candidate MEPs are invited to show their support by promoting and sharing the manifesto, demonstrating a commitment to sustainable hunting and conservation in Europe.
For further information and updates on the FACE Manifesto campaign, please visit: