04 Nov 2022 FACE position on combatting wildlife crime adopted
On 25 October 2022, the FACE General Assembly, which represents the views of 7 million hunters, unanimously adopted a new position on wildlife crime, reinforcing our long-standing position on “zero-tolerance”.
The position gives particular recognition to the work of the Bern Convention, the European Commission, the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS), and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) to combat wildlife crime.
The position advocates:
◉ For strong support for “zero-tolerance” towards wildlife crime.
◉ Calls for a better understanding of the root causes driving wildlife crime as a basis for decision-makers to appropriately design policy responses and legislation.
◉ Appeals to policy-makers to work together with the hunting community in order to combat wildlife crime.
◉ Supports the need for effective and efficient enforcement of legislation related to wildlife crime.
The position also acknowledges the work of hunting associations throughout Europe in advising and helping enforcement authorities in practice with combatting wildlife crime. Some examples of hunters’ actions in combatting wildlife crime: Link, Link & Link.
To download the full position statement please click one of the buttons below: