22 Apr 2020 Statement on the hunting season in Spain in light of COVID-19
Statement on the hunting season in Spain in light of COVID-19
FACE wishes to share an important letter regarding the upcoming hunting season in light of COVID-19 from FACE’s Spanish Member, the Real Federación Española de Caza (RFEC).
We published the full letter below
Madrid, April 22nd, 2020
Dear friends and hunters,
From the Real Federación Española de Caza (RFEC), we wish to express our sincere solidarity and support in these complex and uncertain times to the members of FACE and to the European hunters. We trust that the coronavirus pandemic will end soon and that all will be back to normal as far as our family, social and economic life is concerned.
From the RFEC and after consultations made by many hunters from all over Europe, we wish to inform our partners and all the hunters that the 2020-21 season will be held in Spain under usual conditions. Further to the communication by the Ministry of Health, hunting, transport, and accommodation in Spain will be resumed once the state of alarm is over, foreseen at the latest in the course month of June.
The hunting activities planned and authorized by the authorities for 2020 – 2021 in Spain include summer hunting, and the hunting season from September to October, as set out in the orders of the various regions. With the work already begun by hunting organizations, federations and administrations to make the next season in Spain successful, it only remains to follow the recommendations by the Ministry of Health so that all activities can be carried out safely.
I hope to see you soon. Please, stay safe.